Archive for November, 2011

Hasta luego, not goodbye

Posted in Uncategorized on November 26, 2011 by cockroach1

7.30 I get up and walk like the rest of the living dead in this city


As I am currently taking a break from Madrid, it seems hardly genuine to continue to write a blog about living in Lavapies. So, with regret, I won’t be posting blog pieces regularly for now, though I will occasionally publish more. I still have some graffiti photos I’d like to publish here. Thank you to everyone who has read the blog and given me feedback. I am now working on a book based on the blog, with the same working title ‘Cockroaches and Coffee’. I will keep you posted here of any progress, and will also put a link here if I decide to open another blog.

To those of you still in Madrid, enjoy the tapas and the sunshine, the high-octane night-life and the highly-strung street-life, the chaos and the drama, the filth, colour, noise, and character. As Prodigal recently said on a weekend visit from London, ‘Madrid is like a theme park, yeah, it’s like Disney World, only a damn sight more expensive.’

The UK for the moment is a calm, sleek, grey, peaceful necessity. Although “Madrid me mata’, (Madrid kills me), I plan to be back soon, so this isn’t goodbye, it’s hasta luego.